Thursday, October 1, 2009

Back to Brooklyn

Wednesday 7am CDT, Minneapolis: I wake up.
I go about getting ready, I reflect that I've got time to get a decent breakfast before I need to leave at 8am to head to airport for my 10:30 flight. Suddenly I feel a pang of fear as I am somehow reminded that my ID has expired. Scratching breakfast from the menu, I decide to head to airport right away to allow for any extra time it will take me to get through security.

I get on line at the security checkpoint, and comment to one of the TSA folks that it is "too early in the morning for me" She says "too early?! It's 9am!"

Wednesday 9am CDT, MSP Airport: TSA presses secret button as notices my ID is expired.
The Department of Homeland Security must really think that terrorist are stupid. One would think that a terrorist would try to do everything possible to avoid attention eg have a proper ID. Apparently this is not the case. The TSA staffers informed me that I was the lucky winner of their lottery, that I was going to have all my stuff thoroughly searched. I had planned on it.

Wednesday 9:15am CDT, MSP Airport: Search is complete.
I head away from the security checkpoint toward my gate. Of course it was the last gate in the terminal but luckily I was flying out of Humphrey (the smaller of the 2 terminals at MSP) so it was not that long of a walk. I arrive at the gate and notice the board indicates the flight departing from that gate is going somewhere I don't want to go. I look back at my boarding pass - I am the gate printed, I check the departure screens, yes, I was at the right gate but I realize that my flight does not depart at 10:30 as I thought, rather 11:30. "Fail"

The rest of my return travel was relatively uneventful. I flew MSP to MKE (Milwaukee), layed over for an hour or two. MKE to LGA. I love LGA - the least amount of walking from gate to curb (in central terminal). I started to take the bus to the subway but ended up on the phone with my dad who came to pick me in Queens on his way home from the Bronx. Thanks Dad!

Wednesday 8pm EDT: Brooklyn, NY


  1. your ID was mailed to me in August when you were here ... how is it already expired?

  2. Your dad carries a G-d given GPS in his head- But in your "Whatever" notebook, he doesn't work in the Bronx, but in Westchester. That is where New Rochelle is- hence your need to take the New Haven to meet him not the subway
