Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 and Beyond - A resolution

I had long ago discarded the idea of making new years resolutions, though this year it seems that the resolution made itself for me. Yes, that sounds strange, allow me to explain.

In early December I was in saint Louis for the Hot Winter Tango Festival. One of my mentors, Brigitta Winkler, had honored me with the opportunity to assist her in a class that she was teaching. During the class she whispered to me that in her teaching philosophy, always demonstrate or explain things in the positive. Meaning say things like "try to do this" instead of "don't do that". This was something that she had told me about a few years ago and had forgotten about.
This idea was in the back of my head for the rest of December, I would randomly find myself pondering it even when not teaching. It felt sort of persistent in my mind and I accepted that this was going to be my resolution starting this year.

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